
Ep. 143 – Jordan Hunter Jones

The amount of spellings we found for “coo-coo” would drive you, well, you know….

Jordan Hunter Jones flipped the script almost literally when he switched from ad man to man from the ads (aka business guy to talking guy) and has since been all over the world of commercials, video games and more. He is not the kind of person to keep his opinions to himself, whether they be about Cocoa Puffs, voice coaching or why starting your radio career in early September 2001 wasn’t the easy-going experience one might expect.

Jordan shares with Evan some great audition stories, a solid answer to Iona Morris’s question from last episode and a surprisingly thorough batch of questions for the next guest. He also proves once again that the key to success in anything Texas-related is barbecue. It’s just science.

Opening Song – Texas Rangers Victory Song
Closing Song – Bebop Rocksteady (Demo) by The Prizefighters

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