
Blogulator Radio Episode 79 – The ABCs of Fall TV: Part Deux

Last fall Jerksica and Chris came up with a simultaneously pointless and elementary method of wasting time talking about television: going through letter by letter of the alphabet and thinking of an actor or character of a television show that starts with that letter. It’s like that game you play while you’re staring at signs and license plates out the window on a road trip, except in netcast form! Yay! Anyway, a lot is talked about during this marathon cornucopia of TV talk: shows that are hitting their mid-season strides (Raising Hope, Happy Endings), old shows they’ve recently revisited (Terriers, Tiny Toons), shows that are starting back up again soon (Girls, Portlandia), and shows that have been straight canned (Boss, Last Resort). So sit back, follow along, and relearn the alphabet on this week’s Blogulator Radio.

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