
Fancy Pants Gangsters Turns 1!

Just wanted to let everyone that on this day, 1 short year ago, Fancy Pants Gangsters opened its virtual doors.

On behalf of all the hosts of our shows, I want to thank every person that has listened to and enjoyed our shows. You truly do make this whole thing worthwhile.

Over the next few months, we will be beginning our big push to really get our name out there to as many people as we can. I wish I could talk about some of the things we have planned, but if everything works according to plan, this will be a very exciting year for everyone here. But we can’t do it alone.

If you are a regular subscriber to one or more of our shows, please take a moment to recommend us to a friend. All the advertising budgets in the world can’t compete with a heartfelt recommendation from someone you trust.  Post us on your facebook page, @ us on your Twitter feeds, shout it from the rooftops if you’d like. However you can help, know that we at Fancy Pants Gangsters truly appreciate it.

Thanks again from everyone at FPG, and enjoy your April Fools Day.