
Ep. 674 – Reading Comprehension

Evan doesn’t want to hear the end of any sentences.

The guys return from a partially planned absence but try to make up for lost time by recording a weekend breakfast show at Zumbro Cafe (where, like, you are always welcome).

Dave once again displays his bouge both by his loud love of Linden Hills and his recent trip to Disneyland/world I can’t be bothered to look up which. Evan, in the mean time, fights off the plague with the help of a mashup of Minnesota’s #2 and #3 official state foods, the pickle rollup and macaroni salad. Now if only we could incorporate tater tots into things.

Stay tuned to next week when we see if Dave’s ambitious plan for location pays off. Spoiler alert, it won’t.

We’ve got a new logo! Thanks to FPG master designer Ashley Hay for whipping it up for us.

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